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Harper's Hell


Harper’s Chart - Harper’s in trouble! Harper’s in trouble.. Harper’s in trouble! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!

May 22, 2013

Since the eclipse on April 25, 2013 to his Sun and Neptune, the ass has literally fallen out of his world! Let’s hope this trend continues, I think it will!! I like where this is heading! Could it be possible he could be gone by the end of this eclipse cycle!? It would be soo awesome to not have... to withstand another minute of this dictatorship!

We have been having some intense eclipses lately. Some are bringing people more power and glory; some are bringing people back into check! Both of the eclipses in the past few weeks affected Harper significantly, great news for Canada and NOT soo good for him! Upon doing research on the April 2013 eclipse .. I found out that they were going to be extremely tough on Harper! As I mentioned a few weeks ago.. he is in great danger of losing his power and being over thrown! By Canadians, parliament and maybe even the conservative caucus!

The eclipse of April 25, 2013 is really when the tides started to turn on Harper. His Neptune is opposing his Sun naturally. The Sun is your will and Neptune is all about spirituality.. or it can mean deception and smoke in mirrors with this harsh energy. Makes sense as it has been Harper’s main tactic to keep his power up to this point! Having this energy is what has allowed him to fool soo many, for soo long!

The floor is literally falling out from his feet! All the tactics he used to use are no longer working for him! He is in a fog, uncertain about where he is going, what he is doing and not sure how stable his footing is. He can’t even see himself, what he is doing, how it is hurting Canadian people or the country as a whole. He only see’s what he is trying to accomplish, completely missing that the rest of Canada doesn’t agree with the direction he has taken us.

This eclipse highlighted his Neptune which rules Harpers deception capabilities. The Canadian people are starting to see through his scandals, deceptive motives, the illusions, spin and smoke in mirrors of harper’s sneaky dealings; and he can no longer keep it hidden anymore! $90,000 checks, dirty senators, robo-calls, Foreign workers program, wasteful add spending, sick economy, spying and gaging their own MPs, the scandals and mismanagement of over 3 billion dollars.. I would say people might be fed up with being deceived. Canadians have seen about enough.

When you have an eclipse to your Neptune the planet of self-undoing.. so it is extremely important to be honest with others and yourself with this eclipse energy. There could be attempts to deceive, vulnerability to scams and must be careful in even trusting your own judgement! Make sure you have thought everything through very carefully before making any big decisions. This energy leaves you with the feeling something is very wrong, but unable to quite place what it is.

Harper thinks he can just blow this off, fire a few people, kick them out of the conservative party and everything is ok. Just ignore, deny and continue on.. but he can’t anymore! With this Neptunian energy, there is usually confusion, uncertainty, something in limbo, some sort of missing piece of info making it impossible to move forward. Avoidance, further deception and self-deception will only lead to big snowball of problems.. it is imperative that these tendencies be kept in check!

This eclipse is not only affecting his Neptune it is also affecting his Sun as well! His power from the Sun is starting to dissolve and disappear with the eclipse to Neptune. When you have an eclipse to your Sun, it signifies that you just might get noticed! It could mean some serious decisions to be made and important contacts to be made. With a positive eclipse, doors open and great new contacts are made.. but this eclipse wasn’t a very good one for the dictator. With a difficult eclipse you can experience an identity crisis, start wondering if you have a proper handle on life, and if you have all the tools to get through this period!? Self-image at an all-time low, feelings of inferiority, problems, identity and ego may feel very bruised. If you are a central figure, it can bring issues of losses of a benefactor, usually masculine; dealings surrounding a father figure/supporter having a direct influence on the eclipse (Findley’s Husband), separations, and egotistical behaviour. Yup, this sounds like Harper to me!

What I was the most excited about was the fact that having an eclipse to your Sun also places you in a big threat to be OVER THROWN!!!! Over thrown for precisely all the deception and lies that he has gotten away with over these years, that is until this eclipse! Now it is starting to finally lead back to the Harper. It drove me crazy how he would gag members of parliament, other agencies and get away with it. No one could seem to get a direct link. I am hoping that now with this eclipse the smoke will lift and Canadian’s will see what Harper has been doing to our country. Past karma is going to unexpectedly kick harper in the nuts! Hidden enemies, his behind the scenes activities from the past and present are going to unexpectedly blow up in his face! Harper thinks if he just continues what he has always done, ignore, spin, behead others and he will be able save himself again.. NOT ANYMORE! That is only make this soo much bigger! The wagons are starting to circle.. and this time I don’t think he can do anything about it

Harper's Birthday from Hell..


April 13, 2014

In my original post I mentioned what happens when this sensitive area of Harper's chart is activated. Already Harper has lost another very close friend and ally (Flaherty) as he had during the other eclipse to his chart. Senator Brazeau was just recently arrested again.

More of his lies should be uncovered, he will lose the respect of powerful friends and authorities in his life, more info regarding the senate scandal may be disclosed, and his power may be in jeopardy. Many of the legislation he has enacted is challenged in the courts and it is crumbling under this grand cross energy.

The authorities are starting to look at Harper, they are digging through his emails with colleagues; and holes in his stories are starting to get so big, you could fit the parliament buildings through them. This eclipse to his Sun could possibly bring further police involvement, and even charges being brought against him. Both the cardinal grand cross and the upcoming eclipse herald in great changes for everyone. They hold extra power and significance this time around, it forces these changes whether you are ready for them or not. The Cardinal Grand Cross with these planets specifically can topple regimes, governments and even royalty, here’s hoping it can topple Harper!

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