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The Great American Leo Solar Eclipse - August 21, 2017
July 23, 2017


With the Leo solar eclipse that is coming, I see that this total solar eclipse is going
to be most visible from the USA and Canada! This means that this is the area of the
world that will be most affected by the effects of the eclipses energy!


It is even being dubbed “The Great American Eclipse! If only they knew how true
that is, as this eclipse is definitely going to have a huge effect on the USA, and
likely Canada! Eclipses have always been feared and revered as they are usually the
precursor to big events, big events usually do coincide around eclipses. In fact they
have a tendency to turn things on their head!


The more that an eclipse blocks out the light of the Sun and how long the eclipse lasts tells how drastic the effects of the eclipse will be. With that it looks like this is a total solar eclipse that will last a long time, showing that the effects of this eclipse energy could last years!

I am seeing some interesting and disturbing signs in the stars surrounding the USA, the stock market and Trump! It looks like this eclipse is connected to them all and not in a good way.

This eclipse happens in Leo which is the sign of kings, Leo eclipses typically affect our leaders, government officials, presidents, prime ministers, royalty, politics, financial speculation, stock exchanges, stock speculation and the stock market. It shows there is likely to be some instability, volatility, surprises, sudden and unexpected changes in these areas, not just in the USA, but around the globe.

This could be talking about sudden changes in stock markets. Something significant going on with the worlds royal families in one way or another, possibly even heralding a change in monarchs. Leaders of various countries dealing with unpredictable elements, being more impulsive, fluid and very changeable. Being faced with surprising circumstances, changes in leadership style or changes in leadership all together.

Given the stressful way this eclipse hits the USA, Trump and the stock market,
I can see that there is likely to be a lot of stress in store for in all the areas

listed above! This eclipse directly hits the USA’s natal Sun and Saturn, which

shows a lot of this pressure, anxiety and tension is going to likely be self made,

due to their own actions and/or due to policies enacted by Leaders, it’s own

government, and the GOP.

Where progress stops and we almost fall back into the past. That the country

and its people get a lot more serious and deal with more serious realities.

Where everything feels like bad news and an uphill battle. Regardless of how

it manifests, I see the public suddenly start to notice more hardships, harsh conditions, difficulties, misfortunes, deficiencies, and restrictions. Where there is just less opportunities and adversities only seem to keep mounting.

Where public is more involved in the government than they would like, want to or had in the past. Experience government officials and policies that causes stress, pressure, strain, tension and trauma than before. At the same time it shows that leaders and the government is likely to feel like there is someone or something standing in their way. That no matter how hard they push they are unable to move past these blockages.

I see that the Republicans are directionless, deceptive, and spinning their wheels. Slow in

their responses to crisis, yet all the while rushing to blindly enact their policy that will likely

only bring harm to the country. Dramatically hindering opportunities for the country and

it’s own people. That their policies could have a direct effect on hardships I see coming

from the job market.

I see this energy shows the democrats are severely hindered, yet still going to bat, acting

as activists or working with activists for the American people. Yet it shows working

together with Democrats can provide some healing. In fact, this eclipse shows that in some

cases the Democrats and Republicans are going to be aggressively fighting each other; but

it also shows the possibility of them joining together, working together, fighting on behalf of the country.

That they could even end up taking on each others values in some ways and fighting for the same thing! Where Republicans and their supporters (whether they realize it or not) end up opening their minds and start finding they like aspects of the democrats agenda, (Obamacare for instance) or vice versa. This energy can also be speaking to these parties joining together in fighting for the same thing, joining together to bring changes to the countries leadership.

I see this eclipse could cause the American public to abide by their own strict moral,
ethical, spiritual, and religious beliefs. Almost like they are closed off from spirituality
and compassion for others. That they are blinded from seeing the big picture, seeing
how policies will bring harm in their future and in how their relationship with other
countries is advantageous in strengthening their own position.

Given the house this Leo solar eclipse lands in, it looks like it is going to stressfully affect
the USA’s relationship with it’s commerce, business with other countries, foreign affairs,
foreign politics, trade, tariffs, imports, exports, treaties will come into the spot light in a
stressful way; Or it could be other countries causing various issues for the country and
it’s people.


It will show their relationship with other countries could deteriorate, but it could also cause stressful issues for the USA surrounding immigration, refugees and foreign affairs! This energy is also highlighting stress for the USA by way of airway travel and traffic. I can also see that the legal sectors, courts, lawyers, supreme court, education system, teachers, colleges, universities in the USA are also going to feel great anxiety, pressure and strain from this eclipse energy.

It looks like this energy is going to be affecting jobs, where we can experience big gains in jobs or just as easily big losses. Where the employers could suddenly cut hours, start to dry up, retailers and corporations lay off employees and/or stores decide to close. Where leaders make bad choices that not only hinder jobs, but also future prospects of growing jobs. I see that the USA is closed off to other countries, it’s almost as if a wall is erected between them and other countries.

I see retraction, restriction, and it’s like forms of stability in the USA could end up dissolving.
Where financial matters in the USA grow ever the more erratic and unstable. Where people
aren’t able to spend the way they might like. Where money, stocks, the economy, financial
sectors in the USA experience instability, volatility and are very changeable. Where the state
of the countries finances are misused, abused, stripped of regulations and are left just right
for a financial crisis in one way or another.


I see the American the public being at odds with their leaders and each other in everyway. I
can see leaders and the public experiencing a lot of frustrations, discomfort, blockages,
sadness, depression, hardship, and judgmental attitudes with each other.
It’s like the country
experiences a sudden bout of austerity and reduced opportunities. I can see this energy is likely
to leave the American people confused, frustrated, over loaded, overwhelmed and essentially
lost in translation.


With this energy, it is hard to focus, leaving many likely to miss important signs that something is even wrong. Where one can’t seem to communicate properly to another. Where the messages they receive don’t make sense, they don’t completely process it, misinterpret things, situations and/or others. I see that there higher likelihood of many errors in judgment and communications, where there could be strong bias one way or another. That everyone is left feeling a strong nervous tension regardless of your partisan identity. This can also be pointing to the fact that updates and reports coming from the leaders may not be very accurate.

That the news they get may seem more troubling, cause confusion or not be
interpreted correctly, nor taken seriously. This eclipse also has a direct affect on
Trump and his ability to lead. It’s like he grows all the more volatile and unfocused.

He is likely to be hit, feeling almost attacked by everything all at once, whether it’s
the presidency, the economy, the investigation, foreign affairs and his own party.
That the will of the people starts to turn on him, where they start to see that he is
taking the country down a road that will only bring trouble and problems.


What I worry about is in the past when some of the alignments we are seeing in this
eclipse happened in the past, it triggered multiple recessions and depressions. Given
how this energy is tied into the stars of the USA and the NYSE I am afraid that it is

showing signs of a recession/depression. Likely to be prompted by bad jobs outlook, bad policy, health care, the criminal investigation and/or a huge stock market crash that could start as early as August 2017.

Now all of this may or may not happen at the eclipse, solar eclipses show the very beginning, where seeds are laid for everything to take place. At the same time, we will likely start to see signs of this stress around the eclipse, while other aspects of this eclipse may unfold in the year(s) following the eclipse.

The last time an eclipse was in this area of the sky in 2008, it triggered the Russia financial crisis and the globe started to see signs of trouble right around the eclipse, especially in the stock market.

I don’t see how they wouldn’t in this case too!

July 31, 2016 Update: I found out that the week of this eclipse in 1998 there was other big developments in the USA pertaining to the president! 3 days before the eclipse Bill Clinton finally admitted that he did have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky!

Could this mean that this eclipse will be the week that concrete bombshell evidence surfaces on Trump?!


For more about this, check out other soon to be released AstroQueen Astrology articles “The Stock Market & The Coming Eclipses!” and “A Possible Great Depression?

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#Trump #GOP #StockMarket #NYSE #Recession #Depression #Republicans #POTUS #Jobs #JobsMarket #Financial #FinancialMarket #Stocks #HealthCare #Economy #President #Crash #SolarEclipse

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